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Watch on-demand: Using calcium imaging and electrophysiology to study neurons and astrocytes in addiction.

Research Articles
Scientifica VistaScope at Schroder Lab, University of Sussex

Using Scientifica micromanipulators to investigate consequences of Tau pathology on hippocampal pyramidal neurons and network activity in ageing mice

Neurowire blog posts
Patch clamp electrophysiology analysis with Python

Neurowire blog posts
Novel homeostatic functions of Galectin-3 in embryonic and adult neurogenesis

Neurowire blog posts
Going into the unknown together: a guitar talk about the importance of emotions in science

Neurowire blog posts
Learning patch-clamp electrophysiology from scratch: views from a learning postdoc

An Appetite Map in the Brain: How pregnancy and the lack of nutrients alter brain function to shape cravings

Neurowire blog posts
Emergence of cortical interneuron diversity: a long game and its new player

Learning Zone Items
A Deeper Look : More on Lasers

Research Articles
Sensitivity of the S1 neuronal calcium network to insulin and Bay-K 8644 in vivo: Relationship to gait, motivation, and aging processes

Learning Zone Items
A Deeper Look: Dispersion Compensation