Scientifica PatchStar Motorised Micromanipulator
Scientifica PatchStar Micromanipulator
Scientifica PatchStar Micromanipulator
Scientifica PatchStar Micromanipulator
Scientifica PatchStar Micromanipulator with Control Cube
Scientifica PatchStar micromanipulator
Scientifica PatchStar micromanipulator

Scientifica PatchStar Micromanipulator

完美的电生理学显微操纵器 - 从单通道到体内场记录。





PatchStar 的低噪音使得您可以记录到最细微的信号。这使您可以轻松的执行敏感信号的记录,比如单通道的记录。




模块化设计意味着有多种多样的配置可以供您使用。 PatchStar 可以轻松地在左手和右手配置之间切换,使其可以安装在样品两侧的任意一侧。


PatchStar 的紧凑设计意味着您可以轻松地将显微操纵器安装在靠近样品的位置。


无需工具即可旋转 PatchStar; 磁性挡块可确保 PatchStar 固定到位,同时可以轻松地将其从样品上旋转离开以进行移液器更换,然后返回到精确的记录位置。


旋转台和各种可用的支架使您可以轻松调整接近角度和高度,以适应您的应用和样品。自动角度检测功能可以轻松更改第 4 虚拟轴的角度。

Simple and repeatable pipette exchange

Fast pipette movement and exchange is made easy by the sliding bracket and rotational stages. Your experiments won’t be held up and you can collect data faster. Memory positions held on the Controller or LinLab software can return the manipulator to a specific cell of interest if you need to replace your pipette mid experiment.


滑动支架和旋转台使得移液器的快速移动和置换变得容易。 您的实验不会被停滞,您可以更快地收集数据。如果您在实验中途需要更换移液管,控制器或Linlab软件上的记忆位置功能可以将操纵器返回到您感兴趣的特定细胞来继续您之前的实验。




基于客户的反馈而不断开发并增强的 PatchStar,成为了能适应各种应用、样品和实验的理想的显微操纵器。显微操纵器的每个轴都是一个单独的模块,允许您在实验需求发生变化时随时而轻松的重新配置 PatchStar。

滑动托架可将各种headstage夹持器连接到 PatchStar 上。可用支架的多种选择范围,控制选项和软件开发为您提供了最佳的灵活性。这是一个您可以信赖的显微操纵器。


  • Patch clamp electrophysiology
  • In vivo electrophysiology
  • Neural probe positioning
  • Multielectrode recordings
  • Microinjection
  • Extracellular/field recordings
  • Intracellular/whole cell recordings
  • Two-electrode voltage clamp
  • Stimulation electrode
  • Picospritzer
  • Electrical engineering experiments
  • Cell interaction studies
  • Mechanical studies
  • Scanning ion conductance microscopy
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Perform in vivo experiments

With a straightforward three-piece adaptor, the PatchStar can be used for in vivo recordings. The design means that the micromanipulator can be securely positioned away from the sample, providing you with ample workspace. You can set the approach angle anywhere between vertical and horizontal to explore various brain regions freely. Sample welfare is also optimised with the double-locking feature for secure positioning, ensuring robust protection against unintended disturbances and the safety of valuable samples during experiments.

Find out more



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Scientifica 提供产品演示,让您提出问题,学习并了解多光子显微镜系统及其应用,并亲自体验.



我们一系列的模块化零件和配件使我们能够量身打造适合您研究的Patchstar。 随着您实验的发展,您也可以在您的实验室无缝量身定制您自己的Patchstar。



Scientifica 为所有 Scientifica 制成的商品提供两年保修,为第三方供应的商品提供一年保修。 让您在购买 Scientifica 设备时高枕无忧。




Scientifica Control CubePatchPad 之间进行选择,它们既符合人体工程学,易于使用,速度可定制,又设计紧凑。

LinLab允许Scientifica组件之间的集成和交互,也可以提供串行命令代码以使其可以与第三方软件一起使用。有两种速度设置可以选择,它们可以在软件中独立配置,并在轻拂开关时切换 ; 粗定位可以提供快速移动,patch定位提供微小移动用于移动到最终位置。

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Easy and repeatable pipette exchange

The globally recognised Scientifica PatchStar incorporates a unique pipette exchange system to maximise your patching time.

Its easy to use sliding bracket and rotational stages allow you to quickly change pipettes, so your experiments aren't held up and you can get back to patching in seconds.


"The compact shape of the PatchStar made it simple for me to install onto my existing rig. The movements of the PatchStar feel very smooth and the Control Cube allows me to easily gauge and adjust the speed of movement."

Siyi Ma
McMaster University

"The success rate of my outside-out patch clamp recordings significantly increased to over 90% or even 100%.”

Dr Can Peng
University of Florida

“We selected PatchStar micromanipulators for the combination of high precision, stability and competitive price.”

Dr Roman Gorbachev
The University of Manchester

“The PatchStar is the new standard. After 6-months of use, we are still truly impressed by the stability.”

Dr Christophe Bernard
Aix Marseille Université

"Since discovering the PatchStar, we have upgraded all of our nanoindentation setups to include it. The long travel range and high stability of the manipulator help us to reliably perform indentation measurements on a wide variety of samples without needing to make adjustments to the setup. This allows us to spend more time collecting data."

Erik Paardekam
VU University Amsterdam

"I started using the Patchstar system 10 years ago to perform in vivo dual recordings in Drosophila. Stability, versatility, and reliability are features we can’t compromise on; the Patchstar manipulators have certainly delivered. They now feature in all of the lab's electrophysiology rigs."

Dr. Diogo Pimentel
Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, University of Oxford

"I would say that it is an incredibly stable and silent micro-manipulator which allows long-lasting recordings without mechanical drift or electrical noise."

Dr. Julien Dupuis
University of Bordeaux

"We purchased our first PatchStar because we liked the design and appreciated its excellent handling properties. It has been a great tool for our patch clamp experiments, which is why we have purchased nine other PatchStars since"

Dr. Rob Roelfsema
University of Würzburg

"They are incredibly precise and easy to use, really user friendly"

Dr. Andrew Boyce
University of Calgary

“We replaced an old faulty micromanipulator with the Patchstar with the aim of performing voltage clamp measurements on HEK293 cells. The Patchstar has performed very well, it is easy to use and very stable during the course of our measurements. A definite improvement to our setup!”

Dr. Srividya Ganapathy
Delft University of Technology

"Our research group has used the Scientifica PatchStar for many years and find it to be reliable, easy and intuitive to use for visually guided patch clamp. It gives us the fine control we need for patching multiple cells and maintaining those seals over long recordings."

Hannah Warming
University of Southampton

“I get on great with the Scientifica PatchStars – I’ve been using them for years and they’re really robust. I’ve just brought another one in my growing lab!”

Dr Benjamin Warren
University of Leicester

Customise the PatchStar to suit you

A wide range of accessories are available to adapt the PatchStar to your specific requirements. These include:

Shallow bracket

Allows low, shallow angle positioning of the headstage or probe (recommended if mounting on SlicePlatform, MTP or MMTP).


Shallow Bracket (PS-7500)

Steep bracket

Allows steep angles or additional height reach for the headstage or probe (recommended if mounting on MMBP).


Steep Bracket (PS-7550)

Low Profile L Bracket

Allows the position of the Z axis module to be changed, lowering the height of the PatchStar for rigs with height restrictions.


Low Profile L Bracket (PS-7800)

Dovetail Probe Holder

For mounting a range of bars and probes.


Dovetail Probe Holder (PH-1000)

Electrode Holding Bar

With a v groove to hold glass capillaries.


Electrode Holding Bar (EHB-500).

Magnetic Base

Low-profile magnetic base to attach your PatchStar to your antivibration table or other platform.


Magnetic Base (S-MB-3020-00)

Sliding Carriage

Sliding probe holder with a fixed angle of approach to mount stimulation bars, or headstages with mounting bar to PatchStar.

Fixed Sliding Probe Carriage (PS-7750)

Speak to one of our experts for details on pricing, features, installation and support.

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