Scientifica Inverted Movable Top Plate (IMTP)
Scientifica Inverted Movable Top Plate (IMTP)
Front view
Side view
Top view
Design and specification
- Number of axes: 2
- Travel distance: 25 mm (in X and Y axes)
- Chamber adapters accepted: 108 mm & 110 mm
TGF Triggers miR-143/145 Transfer From Smooth Muscle Cells to Endothelial Cells, Thereby Modulating Vessel Stabilization
Climent, M., Quintavalle, M., Miragoli, M., Chen, J., Condorelli, G. and Elia, L. (2018)TGF Triggers miR-143/145 Transfer From Smooth Muscle Cells to Endothelial Cells, Thereby Modulating Vessel Stabilization. Circulation Research, 116(11), p 1753-1764 http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/CIRC...