Scientifica PatchScope Pro 2000
Scientifica PatchScope Pro 2000
A complete patch clamp rig, perfect for pharmacological studies or other cultured cell stimulation.
An inverted microscope
An inverted patch clamp rig, perfect for pharmacological studies or other cultured cell stimulation.
A complete patch clamp rig, perfect for pharmacological studies or other cultured cell stimulation.

Scientifica PatchScope Pro 2000

A complete patch clamp rig, perfect for pharmacological studies or other cultured cell stimulation.

New for 2022. Designed by electrophysiologists, for electrophysiologists. The PatchScope Pro 2000 is an integrated electrophysiology system specifically designed for patching with field stimulation and local perfusion in single cells or monolayers. Ideal for neuroscience, cardiac, and many other research areas.

This compact and versatile package consists of an inverted microscope, a PatchStar and LBM-7 micromanipulator and can be customisable to your specific research needs, including fluorescence imaging.

The PatchScope Pro 2000 is a complete rig, meaning you can be sure that all components will integrate flawlessly.



Built for patch clamping in cultured cells

The PatchScope Pro 2000 has been created by electrophysiologists, for electrophysiologists. There is no compromise in the design and use of the system as a flawless, purpose built, patch clamp rig for cultured cells.

Easy to use, simple to acquire data

The user-friendly design means that the system is simple to handle and work with - perfect if you are new to patch clamping as well as if you are experienced.

Record even the smallest electrophysiological signals

The ultra-low noise electronics ensure you can record small signals (including single channel recording) and acquire the highest data quality every time.

Acquire data from long-term experiments

The incredible stability of the integrated PatchStar micromanipulator and the complete system, means that you can be confident that your recording electrode and cells will remain totally stable.

Get patching, quickly

The PatchScope Pro 2000 can be installed, and set up ready to use, very quickly. This saves your time and ensures you can get on with your experiments without delays.

Maximise lab space

The slimline design of the integrated equipment creates a compact system, meaning that your lab space is maximised, the system is mountable on even the smallest lab tables.

Choose your preferred controller to acquire data

Control your rig with a Control Cube or PatchPad - whichever suits you. Both options enable you to control all aspects of your rig, including speed control, memory positions, and home-in and home-out for rapid pipette exchange.

Keep your sample in focus, at the push of a button

The Motorised Objective Changer allows you to change smoothly between two objectives, meaning you can see what you want, without having to touch the microscope.

Configure the system to suit you

The PatchScope Pro 2000 has been designed with versatility in mind - to meet your unique experimental needs. The system can be supplied with or without eyepieces and fluorescence.

Maximise your patching time with fast, reliable pipette exchange

The PatchStar manipulator incorporates a unique, reliable, pipette exchange system which enables you to rapidly change pipettes between experiments. Utilising a simple twist and slide mechanism, you can change your pipette and be ready to patch in seconds. The smart home-in and home-out offset function accounts for varying length electrodes.

Quickly change the fluorescence illumination and image

The motorised fluorescence allows you to adjust the florescence filters without touching the microscope, improving the reliability of your delicate recordings.

Single purchase, complete electrophysiology system

The PatchScope Pro 2000 is a complete system, meaning you can be sure that all components will integrate flawlessly.

Maximise experimental time

The system has been designed to be easy to service and maintain, minimising experimental downtime.


The PatchScope Pro works smoothly straight out of the box. The microscope system is excellent for visualising cells for whole-cell patch clamp. It can be easily customised to work with a full range of photostimulation approaches we’ve wanted to build in our lab.

Braulio Munoz, PhD
Indiana University School of Medicine

Advanced control options

Control the rig, hands free

Control the focus, microscope, XY translation stage and micromanipulators using our remote control options. Alternatively use our LinLab software.

Position co-ordinates can be viewed, stored and recalled in LinLab, as well as configuring all aspects of the user interface to suit you.

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PatchScope Pro 2000

Complete integrated solution for patch clamping in cultured cells

The PatchScope Pro Systems offer a complete solution for patching dissociated cells or monolayer cell cultures. They are perfect for neuroscience, cardiac and ion channel research.

Discover more about how the rig can benefit your research and enable you to achieve the highest quality data.


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