Molecular Devices Axopatch 900A Amplifier
Molecular Devices Axoclamp 900A Amplifier
Molecular Devices Axoclamp 900A
Molecular Devices Axion Axclamp 900A

Molecular Devices Axoclamp 900A Amplifier

A complete microelectrode current clamp and voltage clamp amplifier, useful for a wide range of intracellular microelectrode recording techniques

For two-electrode voltage clamp recordings, whole-cell current-clamp recordings, intracellular sharp electrode recordings, extracellular field potential recordings in ion channel, neuroscience, oocyte and iontophoresis studies.



Five modes of operation

5 modes of operation: current clamp, discontinuous current clamp, two-electrode voltage clamp, discontinuous single-electrode voltage clamp, high-voltage current clamp.

Measure large currents

The large output compliance range facilitates the measurement of large and rapid voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings.

Software control of all amplifier settings

For automated optimisation features, reduction of manipulation steps, and convenient, reliable telegraphing.

Optional SoftPanel

Allows amplifier control using knobs and buttons for a more conventional feel to amplifier control.

Wide AC voltage clamp gain ranges

Wide ranges in TEVC and dSEVC modes for excellent voltage control.

Space-saving headstage

Space-saving headstage design for easier access to the preparation on a crowded microscope stage New dSEVC design with more stability and faster clamp provides an excellent alternative to standard continuous single-electrode voltage clamping.

Pipette Capacitance Compensation

Pipette Capacitance Compensation neutralises the contribution of the glass pipette and the pipette holder to the capacitance of the circuitry.

Selectable output gain

Selectable output gain with 11 settings to scale the output signal to the desired level.

Fine tunable

Fine tunable 4-pole Bessel and Butterworth low-pass filters act as anti-aliasing filters and can be used to pre-condition the output signal.

User guide written by scientific consultants

User guide written by scientific consultants, with the assistance of Axon Instruments staff, for straightforward start-up and as an in-depth reference.

Audio monitor

Audio monitor for acoustic tracking of the signal while you are busy looking down a microscope.

Speak to one of our experts for details on pricing, features, installation and support.

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