Photometrics Iris 9™ Scientific CMOS Camera
Designed to deliver extremely high-resolution images for live cell microscopy applications
The Iris 9 delivers a 9 Megapixel sensor with a 17.8 mm field of view ensuring it can maximise the amount of data in a single frame.

Quantum efficiency
The 4.25µm pixels provide highly detailed images across the imaging plane and allow for Nyquist spatial sampling at 40X magnification. The camera can capture dynamic cellular events at 30 frames per second for the full frame, and at thousands of frames per second with regions.
The Iris 9 has a high quantum efficiency and low noise levels to maximise dim signal detection and allowing for the use of shorter exposure times to minimise cellular photo-damage.
The Iris 9 is the ideal camera to deliver high resolution images at high frame rates for live-cell microscopy applications.
Primary Applications
- Light Sheet Microscopy
- Multi-Color Fluorescence
- High Content Screening
- Tiling Applications
For more information visit Photometrics
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