Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion BT
Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion BT
With ultra-low readout noise, CCD-like uniformity, fast frame rates and back-thinned enabled high QE, the ORCA-Fusion BT camera is the pinnacle of scientific CMOS
See the dimmest whisper of signal, acquire visually stunning, high S/N images from the fewest photons, capture previously unresolved temporal events and perform computational methods with confidence.
- Wide-field fluorescence microscopy
- Time-lapse imaging
- Spinning disk confocal microscopy
- Lightsheet microscopy
- Super resolution precision localization
- Genetically encoded voltage imaging
- Optogenetics
- Single molecule tracking
- Computational imaging
- Quantum computing
More information
Further information and technical details for the Hamamatsu Orca-Fusion BT can be found here.
Speak to one of our experts for details on pricing, features, installation and support.