Scientifica takes on 50,000 Minutes of Movement for Mental Health Awareness Week
Last year, in support of Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW), the Scientifica global team completed the challenge of covering 365 miles. This year, we switched things up and aimed to rack up 50,000 minutes of movement in May!
The theme for the 2024 MHAW campaign was movement, focusing on encouraging people to integrate moments of physical activity into their daily routines. This initiative aimed to highlight the well-documented benefits that exercise offers for our mental health. We chose a minute-based goal to accommodate various activities—the more fun and diverse, the better!
So, the question is, did we meet our goal? Take a look…
Scientifica takes on 50,000 Minutes of Movement for Mental Health Awareness Week
Remember, even though our official challenge has ended, that doesn't mean the movement has to! Take a moment to pause, breathe in some fresh air, and allow yourself much-needed downtime. And always keep in mind that the Mental Health Foundation is there to help, providing a wealth of resources, helplines, and support options to assist not only you but also those around you.
Useful resources:
Mental Health First Aider courses
Support and advice
Mental health charities, organisations and support groups that can offer expert advice
Grief support for suicide loss survivors
Mental health resources in the US